sexcare (noun): the practice of supporting one's sexual health and happiness

sexcare (noun): the practice of supporting one's sexual health and happiness

sexcare (noun): the practice of supporting one's sexual health and happiness

sexcare (noun): the practice of supporting one's sexual health and happiness

sexcare (noun): the practice of supporting one's sexual health and happiness

Soothing Sensations: Lubricant for Vaginal Dryness Explained

Vaginal dryness causing discomfort? Learn about types of lubricants, how to choose the right one, proper use, and extra soothing strategies.

Soothing Sensations: Lubricant for Vaginal Dryness Explained

Soothing Sensations: Lubricant for Vaginal Dryness Explained

For many women, vaginal dryness can put a damper on sexual intimacy and overall wellbeing. An uncomfortable feeling of friction and burning during intercourse is a telltale sign that natural lubrication is lacking. But before you resign yourself to a lackluster sex life, know that the solution may be as simple as finding the right lubricant.


When selected thoughtfully, lubricants for vaginal dryness can make all the difference in restoring comfortably smooth sensations. They provide supplemental wetness that eases entry, movement, and pleasure. But with such a variety of formulations on the market, how do you choose what’s right for your unique needs?


Let’s break down the key qualities to look for in alubricant for vaginal dryness. 

What Causes Vaginal Dryness?

Before exploring solutions, it helps to understand what leads to vaginal dryness. In medical terms, an uncomfortably dry vagina is known as vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) or genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM).


These conditions often arise due to declining estrogen levels during perimenopause and after menopause. Estrogen supports healthy vaginal tissue by promoting normal blood flow, thickness, elasticity, and lubrication. Without adequate estrogen, vaginal tissue becomes drier, thinner and less elastic. This directly impairs natural lubrication.  


But menopause isn’t the only culprit behind vaginal dryness. Multiple factors can converge to sap moisture from delicate mucosa, including:



  • Medications: Drugs like antidepressants, blood pressure meds, antihistamines and chemotherapy agents induce dryness as a side effect by impacting hormonal balance, circulation and tissue resilience.

  • Chemotherapy and Radiation: Cancer treatments can damage blood vessels and collagen fibers that keep vaginal tissue supple and lubricated. This causes severe, chronic dryness.

  • Dehydration and Poor Nutrition: Inadequate water and nutrients weaken vaginal membranes and lubrication capacity. Vitamin deficiency also impedes moisture retention.

  • Harsh Hygiene Routines: Douches, wipes and aggressive scrubbing strip away protective fluids and strains lubrication glands. This propagates thinning and cracking of the mucosa

  • Irritation From Sources Like Laundry Detergent or Thongs: Chemical and fabric irritants cause microabrasions that can impede lubrication pathways and accelerate water loss even in young, healthy individuals.

  • Bartholin's Cysts or Sjögren Syndrome: These conditions cause inflammation and blockage of vaginal lubrication ducts, directly stifling the glands' ability to secrete protective fluid even at a young age.


High risk demographics include postpartum women, cancer patients, smokers, diabetics and those with autoimmune conditions. But temporary or chronic dryness can occur in women of any age due to this diverse range of contributing factors. Careful management provides relief.


Symptoms and Complications of Vaginal Dryness

The symptoms of vaginal dryness often first appear as burning, stinging friction during sex. Without sufficient lubrication, penetration and movement may become difficult or impossible, eventually causing many women to avoid intimacy altogether. Pain can persist even after lovemaking ends.


Over time, chronic dryness leads to other troubling issues that impact health and wellbeing, like:


  • Yeast infections, UTIs and bacterial vaginosis becoming more common due to vulnerable irritated membranes prone to pathogens. This prompts urgent and miserable trips to the doctor. 

  • Inability to comfortably insert tampons or menstrual cups without lubricant, forcing reliance on pads during your period. This causes inconvenience and mess.

  • Plummeting libido, sexual confidence, body image and self-esteem from unrelenting pain and physical disconnect during lovemaking. Many experience rejection by partners.

  • Heightened anxiety, insecurity and depression. Relationship conflict frequently follows.


By restoring comfort through quality lubricants, targeted moisturizers, and holistic self-care, women can reconnect with sexual pleasure, intimacy and partner closeness lost to the condition. But products are only one piece of the solution.


Types of Lubricants for Vaginal Dryness

There are four major categories of personal lubricants, each with their own characteristics:


  • Water-Based Lubricants: Water-based lubricants have a hydrating, absorptive texture that mimics natural moisture. They wash off easily with water and are condom compatible, making them a popular choice. However, water-based lubes absorb into the skin and need frequent reapplication.

  • Silicone-Based Lubricants: Known for their long-lasting slickness and glide, silicone-based lubricants retain their thickness and reduce friction during intimacy or solo play. Yet they can be harder to completely wash off afterwards.

  • Oil-Based Lubricants: Oil-based lubricants provide nourishing moisture that can feel soothing. However, they break down latex condoms and dental dams, increasing STI transmission risk from the loss of barrier protection.

  • Topical Solutions: Specialized topical lotions, gels and moisturizers tailored to vaginal tissue can promote longer-lasting comfort. These customized formulas promote natural lubrication and are condom compatible. 

    Testing different types of personal lubricants for vaginal dryness can help discover your ideal match based on personal preferences and body chemistry. When making your selection, consider additional options like organic, glycerin-free formulas made from natural botanicals that nourish delicate tissues without irritants.


    Choosing Your Ideal Personal Lubricant

    When it comes to selecting a personal lubricant, making the right choice is essential for comfort, safety and maximizing pleasure. Not all lubricants are created equal, so keep these key factors in mind:


    • Consider Ingredients and Avoid Irritants: Be sure to read the ingredient label and avoid lubricants containing potential irritants like glycerin, parabens and propylene glycol. Seek out natural, hypoallergenic formulas made from aloe vera, vitamin E and plant-based oils which nourish delicate tissues.


  • Match Thickness to Need: For intercourse, choose a thicker, longer-lasting gel or cream. Thinner, water-based liquids are better suited for daily vaginal moisture and conditioning. Figure out what consistency works best for your needs.

  • pH Balanced Formulations: The optimal vaginal pH hovers between 3.5-4.5. Select lubricants designed within this pH range so as not to disrupt the delicate microbial balance. Unbalanced pH can lead to infection or vaginal issues. 

  • Check for Quality Certifications: Top lubricants will often display seals for medical grade quality like USP (United States Pharmacopeia) which ensures purity and potency standards. This inspires confidence in the safety of the ingredients.

    Following these guidelines when comparing lubricant products will help lead you to the ideal choice for your personal needs and sensitivity. Don't be afraid to sample a few until discovering the perfect fit!


    Proper Personal Lubricant Use

    Using personal lubricants correctly is vital for safety and optimal results. Follow these best practices when utilizing lubricants for vaginal dryness or discomfort:

    • Read Instructions Carefully: Always check directions on any new lubricant product before use. Follow all guidelines for application, storage, cautions etc.

    • Thoroughly Coat Vulva and Vaginal Opening: Apply a generous layer of lubricant to the entire vulval area plus just inside the vaginal opening. This eases insertion and movement.

    • Reapply Lubricant Just Before and During Sex: Right before penetration, reapply extra lubricant directly to the vaginal opening. Reapply as needed during intimacy to reduce friction.

    • Warm Chilled Lubricants First: If a lubricant feels cool or cold, warm it between fingers before insertion for comfort.

    • Allow for Arousal Secretions First: The vagina expands and self-lubricates when aroused. Avoid inserting fingers or objects without preliminary natural lubrication.

    • Gently Cleanse Afterwards: Carefully wipe away residual lubricant after sex. Moisturize if irritation occurs.

    • Store Properly: Keep personal lubricants in a cool, dry location away from excess moisture, heat or sunlight to preserve integrity.

    Closely following usage guidelines enhances lubricant efficacy while helping avoid potential irritation when treating vaginal dryness. Test products initially to verify tolerance.

    Other Soothing Strategies

    While lubricants provide instant relief during intimacy, additional holistic strategies promote hydration and comfort:

    • Use Vaginal Moisturizers for Continuous Relief: Look for specialized moisturizers containing humectants that attract and retain moisture through sustained-release action. Those with probiotics reinforce vaginal microbiome health to combat atrophy.

    • Stay Hydrated and Limit Irritants: Drinking adequate water prevents dehydration that sparks friction discomfort. Limiting alcohol, caffeine, stress hormones and environmental irritants also enables optimal blood flow to intimate areas.

    • Take Targeted Supplements: Specialized ingestibles like vitamin E, phytoestrogens from soy foods or botanicals like angelica or licorice root reinforce vaginal health. These aid moisture balance, protective mucus, circulation and tissue resilience.

    • Choose Gentle, Breathable Fabrics: Breathable cotton underwear prevents skin irritation from friction, trapped moisture and harsh materials. Avoid thongs or lace. Harsh soaps, tampons and pads can also spark discomfort.

    • Address Underlying Causes: If vaginal dryness persists, get to the root issue. Properly treating associated conditions like menopause, aging, endometriosis or medications allows complete relief.   


    Blending external relief solutions with internal nourishment techniques creates symbiotic support for both comfort and lasting vaginal wellness. Prioritizing intimate health cultivates confidence and quality of life.


    Nurturing Lasting Intimate Wellness

    When vaginal dryness persists, don’t lose hope. Quality lubricants can temporarily restore natural sensations, but getting to the root cause of ongoing discomfort is key. Rather than resign yourself to frustration, have an open discussion with your healthcare provider to explore potential hormonal imbalances, circulation issues, or other treatable factors that may be robbing you of comfort. Science-backed brands like Vella offer specially-formulated topical relief and nourishing suppositories that promote lasting wellness when used holistically. Seek customized solutions through self-care and professional support until you reconnect with the enjoyable intimacy you deserve, regardless of age. 


    Find soothing relief from vaginal dryness with Vella’s Intimate Elixir.