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Better Sex for the New Year

Better Sex for the New Year

A healthy sex life should feel balanced as in enough sex, but also quality sex and feeling sexually satisfied either alone or with a partner.

Of all the resolutions to make this year, why not commit to better sex? Not only will you reap lots of health benefits without ever stepping foot in the gym, but sex is also fun. It adds intimacy to a relationship. It helps you sleep better. It's an achievable goal.

So, set yourself up for satisfying success in 2022 by prioritizing pleasure and connecting to your true sexual essence.

Take a moment to define what better sex means to you. If it's how often you have sex, then that should be whatever feels like enough for you. Sex drives vary so much from person to person. Duration is another way to gauge better sex. Also, the intensity and frequency of orgasms can be a marker for better sex (we have a pleasure serum for that!). How daring you are with your sex life might fit your definition of better sex. You set the sex bar — enjoy raising it, too.

Here are some tips for better sex, to get the ball rolling.

"A healthy sex life should feel balanced as in enough sex, but also quality sex and feeling sexually satisfied either alone or with a partner."


The pandemic threw a wet blanket on physical touch, but we predict a comeback. Physical touch is one of the five Love Languages. If that's your love language, you crave it most as an expression of giving or receiving love. Hugs, cuddling and handholding — love language or not — more physical touch will undoubtedly lead to more and better sex.

"Physical touch is the unspoken I love you. It calms the nervous system, triggers pleasure hormones, reduces stress and lowers heart rate. (Touching yourself counts too.)"

Get a room (a different room)

Here's a recipe for how to have better sex: try it in the kitchen. It's sexy watching a partner cook (and take out the trash for that matter). Recreate that famous refrigerator scene from the 80s erotic romantic drama 9 ½ weeks. Draw on your partner with whipped cream. Get a handful of ice cubes from the freezer and trace a line across various pleasure zones. Clear some counter space to go at it.

Break the routine

Routines aren't a bad thing, but stepping out of yours can lead to exploring exciting new things, such as trying a new sex position. Experiment with role- playing — paging Doctor McDreamy. Watch a dirty movie together. Buy sex toys. Book a date just for sex and sext your partner about it in advance. Spend more time on foreplay. Try tantric sex. Bring each other to orgasm through touching only. Give a sensual massage. Release any shame associated with asking for and experiencing sex!

Elevate your relationship

Your person is the one who loves you and is there for you when you need care and support. Ask if you're giving that relationship enough time and attention and if you're always present in the moment during sex. Examine what might be taking up too much time, or taking it away from your significant other. Bring in words of affirmation, things like: "I am so happy you're mine. I'm proud of you. You're so sexy to me." Prioritize your lover and satisfying sex is bound to follow. If you're not in a relationship, make sure you're taking enough time for you.

Of course, exercising, eating right and getting enough sleep aren't just the typical resolutions we make they actually help you make sex more satisfying too. Feeling rested means you'll likely be up for more sex when the opportunity arises.

So, as the ball drops and the countdown to 2022 ticks away make your New Year's sex resolution for better sex in the coming months — and years! It's one resolution you'll actually look forward to keeping.

"For better, more satisfying sex, ask yourself: Am I prioritizing sex and have I communicated that to my lover?"