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Free Tote Bag to Show Your Support for the Study of Women's Sexual Wellness w/ Purchases $60+

Free Tote Bag to Show Your Support for the Study of Women's Sexual Wellness w/ Purchases $60+

Free Tote Bag to Show Your Support for the Study of Women's Sexual Wellness w/ Purchases $60+

Free Tote Bag to Show Your Support for the Study of Women's Sexual Wellness w/ Purchases $60+

Blog  /  Pleasure & Wellness  /  Sex Positive TV Show Round Up
Sex Positive TV Show Round Up

Sex Positive TV Show Round Up

We believe the spike in sexuality in media and sex-positive TV is healthy. Why? Because it reduces the stigma surrounding sex and instead empowers people (especially women) to own their pleasure.

“You said there was gonna be no judgment. Is three viagras bad? Her reaction made it seem like it was bad. I feel lightheaded, and I can taste scampi.” — Adam Groff

This is a fabulous quote from the Netflix original, SEX EDUCATION, one of the many ground-breaking sex-positive shows on television today. Shows like this are paving the way for a new normal on the airways–talking about sex, out loud.

While television in the past would cut the scene the moment a couple fell backward on the bed, shows like Euphoria, Orange is the New Black, and Bonding are giving us the goods, in detail. Some people might argue that these kinds of shows are shameful, undignified, and crass. We, however, disagree. We believe the spike in sexuality in media and sex-positive TV is healthy. Why? Because it reduces the stigma surrounding sex and instead empowers people (especially women) to own their pleasure. We don’t need to feel dirty, “loose”, or ashamed because we have desires.

“The spike in sexuality in media is healthy because it reduces the stigma surrounding sex and instead empowers people (especially women) to own their pleasure

According to Texas-based sex educator Goody Howard, “Sex positivity is the idea that people should have space to embody, explore, and learn about their sexuality and gender without judgment or shame.” In a sex positivity article by Healthline, they said that “above all else, sex positivity values consent, communication, and education that allows people to make informed choices about their bodies, and pleasure.”

“Sex positivity is the idea that people should have space to embody, explore, and learn about their sexuality and gender without judgment or shame.” ~ Goody Howard (Sex Educator)

Our bodies are wonderful and beautiful. That is why we are excited about the advancements we are seeing in TV shows like these:


HGTV has nothing on this show! This is home improvement with a whole new focus—SEX. Melanie Rose, interior designer extraordinaire, aka “the Mary Poppins of sex rooms,” helps couples spice up their romance by renovating their bedroom or basement into a sensual suite (blindfolds included). Each project centers around a couple’s theme and/or desires. Season One varied from a rock-and-roll basement to a backstage boudoir to a swanky van with satin sheets. Throw in spanking benches, love swings, and butt plugs, and you’re in for Renos to remember. Not only is this show inclusive of all couples and relationships, it’s a heartwarming exploration of communication, discovery, and bonding. You can find this show on NETFLIX.


Rivals, Grace (retired cosmetics mogul) and Frankie (quirky artist) are forced to become roommates when their lifelong husbands, Robert and Sol, announce they are in love with each other and want to get married. This humorous Netflix original is pivotal for TV because it demonstrates non-traditional storylines of love, explores what constitutes a healthy relationship, and upturns the codes of “proper” femininity. With Jane Fonda (Grace) and Lily Tomlin (Frankie) from the movie “9 to 5” back together, it’s nothing short of a modern classic. You can watch this on NETFLIX.

“Grace & Frankie, a humorous Netflix original is pivotal for TV because it demonstrates non-traditional storylines of love, explores what constitutes a healthy relationship, and upturns the codes on “proper” femininity.”


This American documentary by Vox delves into the nuances and trends surrounding the topic of SEX. With an enlightening and scientific tone, SEX, EXPLAINED explores topics like attraction, sexual fantasies, birth control, fertility, and childbirth. You can find this show on NETFLIX.


Nick Kroll is a co-creator of this animated series based on his adolescent life. This series offers an open and at times extreme, perspective on sexuality and debunking “sexual norms.” What we like about this sex-positive show is that it’s deeply empathetic to the characters and their anxieties. You can watch this on HULU.


Socially awkward high school student Otis knows the ins and outs of sex, thanks to his sex therapist mother. With his sex 101 knowledge, he decides to improve his school status by teaming up with badass Maeve to set up an underground sex therapy clinic. Here they help classmates with their sexual problems. However, as Otis doles out advice, he realizes that he may need some therapy of his own. This British series does a brilliant job of discussing important topics like STIs, homophobia, transphobia, racial stereotyping, gender identity, sexual fantasies, and kinks. Check out this series on NETFLIX.


Parenting is tricky, no matter who you are. When that parent is working through personal self-discovery, it’s even harder. Transparent is a comedy-drama about a family and their lives when their Dad comes out as a trans woman named Maura. This story is a beautiful journey of identity transformation and expresses Maura's story in her role as a trans parent, grandparent, professor, partner, ex-spouse, and sibling. Transparent is loosely based on the series creator Joey Soloway's father coming out as a trans parent three years prior to the show's release. You can watch this series on PRIME VIDEO.


This show is special for many reasons.
1. It is based on an autistic teenage boy (Sam) who is reaching for a more independent life, including dating and sex.

2. It delves into the life of Casey, Sam’s younger sister, who wrestles with the heaviness of caring for her brother, maintaining extracurricluars and grades, and embracing the fact that she is queer.

3. Lastly, it shows the tenuous marriage between Sam’s parents—and what happens after infidelity.
The title of the show captures the heart behind it. Atypical is a synonym for queer as well as a label for anyone who differs from the norm. Atypical's tagline for season one—"Normal is overrated." View this show on NETFLIX.

Vella celebrates this movement of honesty and freedom that these series encapsulate. We are on a mission to empower people of all ages to embrace their sexuality with a sex-positive mindset. We hope that the bridge forming between TV and sex will continue to unlock insecurities and misconceptions.

“Vella celebrates this movement of honesty and freedom that these series encapsulate.”