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Free Tote Bag to Show Your Support for the Study of Women's Sexual Wellness w/ Purchases $60+

Free Tote Bag to Show Your Support for the Study of Women's Sexual Wellness w/ Purchases $60+

Free Tote Bag to Show Your Support for the Study of Women's Sexual Wellness w/ Purchases $60+

Blog  /  women's health  /  Why Does My Vagina Itch? Common Causes and Solutions
Why Does My Vagina Itch? Common Causes and Solutions

Why Does My Vagina Itch? Common Causes and Solutions

Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable problem that can be caused by a variety of factors. Learn about the most common causes and how to treat them.

If you've ever felt an irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch your vagina, you're not alone. Vaginal itching is an extremely common problem affecting women across all ages. Although the itchiness can be incredibly frustrating, the good news is that it's usually treatable. With a little awareness about what typically triggers it and the solutions available, you can find the relief you need.  


Let’s explore the most frequent culprits behind vaginal itching so you can better understand why it happens. More importantly, let’s discuss remedies that can help provide soothing comfort from the irritation. Some solutions can be easily implemented at home, while other persistent cases may require seeing a doctor. But the end goal remains clear - to resolve discomfort so you can feel normal and confident again.

Understanding Vaginal Itching

Vaginal itching refers to an uncomfortable sensation or urge to scratch the area around the vulva or inside the vagina. It can range from mild to severe and is often accompanied by other symptoms such as redness, swelling, soreness, and abnormal discharge. 

This bothersome symptom should not be ignored or self-diagnosed. Consulting a doctor can help determine the underlying cause and guide you toward the right treatment.

The intensity of vaginal itching can vary widely. For some women, it may be a slight tingling sensation that comes and goes. For others, it can be so severe that it disrupts sleep and daily activities. 

The location of the itch also differs - some women experience itching on the vulva or the skin outside the vagina, while others feel it inside the vagina and on the walls. Itching may be constant or intermittent. Keeping track of your symptoms can help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis.

Why is Vaginal Itching Common?

Vaginal itching is common due to the many factors that can contribute to its occurrence. The delicate balance of bacteria and pH in the vagina can easily be disrupted, leading to itching and other uncomfortable symptoms. 

Hormonal changes, irritants, infections, and skin conditions are some of the common culprits. It's important to understand the possible causes so that you can find the most appropriate solution.

The vagina has a complex microbiome teeming with beneficial bacteria that keep infections at bay. When this balance is altered, harmful bacteria can multiply, causing issues like bacterial vaginosis. 


The vagina also has an optimal pH of 3.5 to 4.5. Anything that raises vaginal pH can lead to overgrowth of fungi or bad bacteria. Common disruptors include menstrual blood, semen, douches, lubricants, and vaginal medications. Being aware of what upsets your vagina's pH can help prevent itching.

Hormonal changes during adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can also trigger vaginal itching due to tissue changes. Identifying if hormones are the culprit is key to getting the right treatment. Keeping a symptom diary and tracking your cycle can help.

Common Causes of Vaginal Itching

Vaginal itching can have many underlying causes. Being aware of the common culprits is important for finding the right solutions.


  • Yeast Infection: One of the most common causes of vaginal itching is a yeast infection, also known as candidiasis. It occurs when there is an overgrowth of Candida, a type of fungus that naturally exists in the vaginal area. Baking soda can provide temporary relief by balancing pH levels and reducing irritation.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): Another common cause of vaginal itching is bacterial vaginosis (BV), resulting from an imbalance in vaginal bacteria. It can lead to itching, a fishy odor, and thin grayish-white discharge. 
  • During pregnancy, hormonal changes increase the likelihood of such infections.


  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): STIs like trichomoniasis, genital herpes, and chlamydia can cause vaginal itching. It's crucial to get tested regularly for STIs, as early detection is key to preventing complications.

  • Irritants: Various irritants, including scented products like soaps and detergents, can disrupt the vagina's natural pH balance, leading to itching and irritation.

  • Skin Conditions: Conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, and contact dermatitis can cause dryness, redness, and inflammation, resulting in discomfort and itching.

  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations during menopause or pregnancy can contribute to vaginal itching. The decline in estrogen levels during menopause can lead to thinning and drying of vaginal tissue.

  • Pregnancy: The hormonal changes and increased blood flow during pregnancy can cause vaginal itching. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional if itching is persistent or severe.

  • Cancer: While rare, certain cancers like vulvar or vaginal cancer can cause persistent itching. Seek medical attention if you notice abnormal bleeding, lumps, or ulcers in the genital area.


    Recognizing the wide range of potential reasons helps you take the right actions to resolve vaginal itching and discomfort.

    Self-Care and Home Remedies

    For mild, occasional vaginal itching, you can try self-care and natural remedies at home to soothe the irritation. Here are some tips:

    • Cold compresses - Applying cold compresses or ice packs provides cooling relief from itching and inflammation. You can also use chilled witch hazel pads.
    • Oatmeal baths - Colloidal oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory properties that help calm itching and discomfort. Add a cup to warm bath water.
    • Probiotic yogurt - Consuming yogurt with live cultures helps replenish good bacteria to fight infections. Look for brands without added sugar.
    • Avoid irritants - Use gentle, fragrance-free feminine wash instead of regular soap. Also shun scented pads and tampons, vaginal deodorants, douches, etc. 
    • Loose cotton underwear - Choose breathable fabrics that prevent excess moisture buildup. Avoid silky lace underwear.
    • Cool baking soda baths - Baking soda balances pH levels and reduces irritation. Mix 1-2 tablespoons in bath water as needed.
    • Stay hydrated - Drink plenty of water to prevent dryness. Limit alcohol and caffeinated beverages that can disrupt vaginal flora.


    While these remedies offer temporary relief, you still need to address the root cause for lasting results. Using medication along with lifestyle measures is key.

    Medical Treatment Options

    If your vaginal itching persists or keeps recurring, visiting a doctor should be your next step. To treat the underlying condition, they may prescribe:


    • Oral or topical antifungal medications - Fluconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole and tioconazole effectively clear yeast infections.
    • Oral or vaginal antibiotics - Metronidazole and clindamycin help eliminate bad bacteria causing bacterial vaginosis.

    • Antiviral medications - For genital herpes, medications like Acyclovir and Famciclovir help manage outbreaks.
    • Medicated creams and ointments containing steroids - These reduce inflammation and itching from vulvar dermatitis or lichen planus.

    Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully when using medications. Applying creams at bedtime and completing the full course is vital, even if symptoms subside earlier. Be sure to keep follow-up appointments, and notify your doctor if symptoms don’t improve. Recurring infections may require longer treatment.


    Lifestyle Tips for Prevention

    Along with treatment, simple self-care steps can go a long way in preventing recurrent vaginal itching:

    • Practice good vulvar hygiene - Avoid excessive washing with soap. Use a gentle pH-balanced vulvar cleanser and lukewarm water instead.
    • Wear cotton underwear and loose, breathable clothing - This prevents trapped moisture that allows yeast or bacteria to thrive. 
    • Avoid douching - Douching changes natural vaginal pH and flora, often doing more harm than good.
    • Use protection for intercourse - Using condoms lowers your risks of contracting STIs that can cause itching.
    • Treat yeast infections properly - Take the medication exactly as prescribed and abstain from sex during treatment to prevent reinfection.
    • Maintain optimal vaginal health - Eat yogurt, avoid unnecessary antibiotics, don't use scented feminine products, and quit smoking.
    • Manage chronic conditions - If you have diabetes or an impaired immune system, be vigilant about controlling vaginal itching triggers.


    Remember, vaginal itching is common but treatable. Pay close attention to your symptoms, identify possible reasons, and take appropriate action. Using a combination of lifestyle measures, home remedies and medical treatment will help resolve itching and restore healthy vaginal function. But if symptoms persist, always follow up with your gynecologist.


    When to Seek Medical Care

    It's normal to feel confused or hesitant about seeing a doctor for vaginal itching. But seeking timely medical advice provides proper diagnosis and treatment. Connect with your gynecologist right away if you notice:

    • Severe or chronic itching that disrupts sleep and daily life.
    • Itching along with lesions, blisters or abnormal discharge.
    • Signs of possible sexual infection like discomfort urinating.
    • Vulvar itching that doesn't resolve with over-the-counter creams.
    • Bleeding between periods or after menopause.

    Don't neglect troubling symptoms assuming it's just routine itching. Book an appointment and have an open discussion with your gynecologist. Share details about your symptoms, sexual history and any self-care measures attempted. With their expertise, you can pinpoint the reason for itching and find solutions to resolve it.


    Your gynecologist has the tools to check for yeast, BV, STIs or other infections. They can also perform a biopsy to test for precancerous cell changes if you have chronic vulvar itching. Getting the right treatment is essential for quick symptom relief and to prevent complications.


    Take Control of Your Vaginal Health

    Vaginal itching doesn't have to control your life. Even if it feels frustrating, the solutions are within your reach. By understanding what causes it and learning the right treatments, you can find sweet relief.  

    Make vaginal health a priority no matter your age. Be vigilant about tracking symptoms and avoiding triggers that disrupt your natural balance. Adopting positive hygiene habits also goes a long way. When home care doesn't suffice, consult your gynecologist for expert diagnosis and treatment.

    You deserve to feel comfortable and confident every single day. Don't let bothersome vaginal itching prevent you from enjoying life's pleasures. With the many effective remedies now available, take control of your health once again. The relief you've been waiting for is closer than you think.


    Shop Vella to help combat vaginal itching.