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Libido and Hormone Changes During Period Cycles

Libido and Hormone Changes During Period Cycles

The key hormones that contribute to our longings or lack thereof are estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone.

Do you find yourself wanting to rip your partner's clothes off one-day and then days later the only thing you find sexy is a bag of potato chips? If you're wondering why your libido seems to have a bad case of indecision, take heart, there are actually scientific reasons that your sex drive is fluctuating during the course of a month. It comes down to hormones.

The key hormones that contribute to our longings or lack thereof are estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. These three have also been dubbed the sex hormones. Estrogen and testosterone are the hormones that amplify your arousal and get your engine revved, while progesterone stabilizes the menstrual cycle and diminishes sexual desire.

During a month, our female bodies go through four phases of the menstrual cycle–menstruation, follicular, ovulation, and luteal. Throughout these phases, our hormones dip and accelerate. Knowing this, it's not much of a surprise that our libido can be affected. You might be wondering, "How do hormone levels change during the menstrual cycle and when am I at my peak?" Glad you asked. We're going to tell you.

"If you're wondering why your libido seems to have a bad case of indecision, take heart, there are actually scientific reasons that your sex drive is fluctuating during the course of a month."

Hormone Changes During Period (Phase One of Your Cycle)

The first day of the menstrual cycle starts with the onset of bleeding. Menstruation usually lasts between 3 and 7 days. At this phase, estrogen and progesterone levels are very low and can come with symptoms like cramping, tenderness of the skin and breasts, tiredness, headaches, mood changes, and a low sex drive during period. Another affected hormone in this phase is serotonin (a brain chemical that affects our moods). Insufficient amounts of serotonin can trigger feelings of depression, fatigue, food cravings, and sleep problems. Some ways to boost your serotonin are sitting in the sunshine, taking supplements like Vitamin D and 5-HTP, and having sex!

Yes, sex can help you. Sex can relieve painful cramping with a beautiful 6-letter word–orgasm. Cramps are a result of the uterus contracting to release its lining. When you orgasm, the uterus muscles also contract and then they fully relax. Also, when we come, our bodies release happy hormones like endorphins, which help with the pain. Having sex on your period can also shorten your bleeding since muscle contractions during an orgasm push out the uterine lining faster.

"Sex can relieve painful cramping with a beautiful 6-letter word–orgasm."

Growing Follicles & Desire Rising (Phase Two)

During this phase, your pituitary gland releases the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which increases estrogen and testosterone levels and signals follicle growth in the ovaries. (These follicles contain your eggs.) Since your estrogen and testosterone are rising, many people experience a burst of energy, uplifted moods, and more focused thinking. Another fun tidbit—estrogen makes you feel more extroverted. With the increase of testosterone stimulating your libido and estrogen increasing your arousal and confidence, you have a perfect recipe for fun.

Ovulation & Hitting the High Notes (Phase Three)

Oh, baby, this is the magic moment. This is the phase when you're no longer craving chips. You want something sweet. Your estrogen, testosterone and LH hormones are at their peak, meaning you are primed for pleasure. As you reach this hormonal high, an egg is released from the dominant follicle and waits to be fertilized in a uterine tube. So, your body is getting you hot and bothered in order to get that egg fertilized. With your sex drive at its highest point, it's time to enjoy it. Turn on some Marvin Gaye and get it on. Whether you're trying to get an egg going or not, your body is ready to have some fun. Why not lean into that? Go for that explosive orgasm by touching on all your erogenous zones or trying new positions. When your body is at its peak, it's the perfect time to reach yours.

Luteal Time & Rest (Phase Four)

Your body will switch gears following ovulation as it prepares for the possibility of implanting a fertilized egg. Estrogen and testosterone will decline and your body will amp up its progesterone production. Progesterone is an anti-anxiety hormone, which allows you to calm down and focus. By the second half of this phase, if conception didn't happen, the body will move toward menstruation. Many women feel a bit "off" in this phase. Make sure to practice good self-care. If you are tired, rest. If you are feeling hungry, pick healthier foods. If you are feeling irritable, try to steal some minutes alone or book yourself a massage. You can also take magnesium supplements to reduce headaches and muscle tension. With testosterone and estrogen lower, it's common to feel a lack of libido in the later stage of the luteal phase.

In each phase of your menstrual cycle, the key is to honor your body, mind, and emotions. If you need a sex break, take it. If you find that your sex drive stays high the whole month, that's great too. Listen to your body, and love your body. Vella is here to walk with you during each step of your cycle. If you find yourself frustrated by a lack of libido or struggle to orgasm, we can help with that too. Our Women's Pleasure Serum makes coming, come easy. This arousal cream goes deep beyond the skin and relaxes your vaginal and clitoral smooth muscle tissue so that you can have more frequent, intense, and satisfying orgasms. You deserve the sex life you desire, no matter what time of the month it is.

"Every woman deserves the sex life she desires, no matter what time of the month it is."